Evaluation - Question 3

  1. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


One possible distribution institution that I researched was IPC Media Ltd, recently rebranded to Time Inc. UK. Upon my research I discovered Time Inc frequently distribute lifestyle and luxury magazines as opposed to music magazines. This lack of experience means the institution may not be able to distribute my magazine as successfully as Bauer media.


Bauer media is a UK media group, widely recognised for their use of multi-platforms. Due to the demands of my target audience in the digital age, Bauer media may allow me to change the way my product is distributed if need be. For example, if within a years time conventional magazine prints are no longer as popular, Bauer will allow my product to be distributed digitally. In terms of the present, my magazine will offer an online subscription and have links to various multi-platforms such as facebook and twitter, allowing for maximum audience interaction.


Looking into the music magazines Bauer already distribute (such as Q magazine), I feel Bauer can connect my media product to the target audience in various ways in contrast to IPC Media Ltd. They already have qualitative data based upon the target audiences for my genre meaning I can ensure my content is consistently up to date with the demands of the public. The slogan for Bauer Media is 'The UK's most influential media brand network' and as mentioned they distribute successful music magazines, however, they also own kiss, 4Music, the box etc. which suggests they're dominant not only in the print media industry but in the music industry also.

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