Music Magazine - Pitch


From my research into music magazines, I have learnt that there are particular codes and conventions that follow through every magazine. These include direct address from the main cover image, a consistent house style, anchorage text etc. The people that construct these music magazines select a genre very particularly, ensuring they are including specific elements to reach their target audience and provide age appropriate material.


My magazine will be successful for the following reasons:

  • My price is reasonably low at £2.99 as many young people don’t have a lot of money.
  • Use a Reece location with a white or grey background (grey for cover and DPS, white for contents) in a professional studio which will allow me to achieve high resolution images.
  • I will use a professional and presentable layout that will remain consistent throughout
  • I will include unique selling points such as exclusive interviews and offers to attract my audience
  • I will release my magazine quarterly so that I always have plenty of content to include
  • I will use cross-media convergence to help reach my younger audience e.g. twitter and facebook

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