Evaluation - Question 4


  1. Who would be the audience for your media product?


In terms of the demographic, my magazine has both a male and female target audience, aged between 16-25 years old. After researching into different types of audiences and using my own knowledge, I have recognised my buyers will either be students, or have a part/full time job. In terms of the R&B genre, the majority of my target audience fit the age range of 16-25 year olds as my questionnaire demonstrates this group are most likely to listen to this genre of music.

I have used various strategies in order to ensure I am targeting my audience. For example, my magazine is reasonably priced to target my audience who are likely to be students as my additional research demonstrates. As additional research into the genre shows, the majority of my consumers are likely to be of an ethnic minority group considering the genre of R&B stemmed from black culture. Those of an ethnic minority group are more likely to be working-class so in order for me to successfully target my audience I have had to price my magazine relatively low. Also, as my media product will only be released quarterly, I can ensure my magazine is full of relevant content keeping my younger audience engaged and feeling as if they have spent their money well, which may encourage them to sign up for a subscription, participate in advertised competitions etc. The name of the magazine is LOUD which immediately eliminates fans of particular genres from engaging with my product. For example, those who enjoy classical music tend not to listen to music loudly, paired with a ‘loud’ font, the masthead allows me to eliminate those who wouldn’t necessarily interact with my media product, allowing for less confusion in the consumer market. Hip-Hop and R&B music is provocative and often offensive as my additional research shows. This means my product may not be suitable for more vulnerable groups such as disabled people, religious groups etc.

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