Evaluation - Question 5

  1. How did you attract your audience?
I attracted my chosen target audience using various ways, which contributed largely to the success of my final media product. After gathering the results from my questionnaire, I began to analyse the results and carefully focusing on the demographic and psychographic of my audience, I was able to make relevant use of my resources in order to target them. My additional research into my chosen genre allowed me to identify that the majority of R&B listeners are lower-class ethnic minority black males and females. Upon discovering this, I chose to use a young black male as my feature artist for my magazine. This enables the audience I am targeting to identify with the artist on the cover of my magazine, thus making them more likely to engage with my media product.
Also, as I discovered young people are most likely to be interested in rap, R&B and hip hop, I ensured all of the images used were of young people. The image on my contents page is of a young Middle Eastern girl. The reason she doesn’t specifically target the mainstream audience for my product is because R&B music is extremely widespread with many sub-genres associated. For this reason I have chosen to use my platform to target various audiences by using models that they may relate to.
Although my magazine is predominately a R&B magazine, I have included a skyline that denotes the names of various acts associated directly with the genre and with the sub-genres that it entails. The reason I have commonly chosen to place my skyline at the top is to allow my product to reach the target audience even if the magazines are stacked. This strategic use of the skyline allows me to reach my audience in unconventional ways.
My contents page is divided into two sections; features and fashion. Young females are likely to be attracted to the fashion section so I included various articles based around women. The image on the contents page is also of a young female which my female audience may feel they identify with. Also, young females may find the male model on my front page highly attractive, enticing them to buy the magazine. These conventions will allow me to attract my secondary audience of females.

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