Evaluation - Question 2

  1. How does your media product represent particular social groups?


The target audience of my media product is 16-25 year olds. As my questionnaire allowed me to investigate the demands of my target audience, I was able to tailor my magazine to best suit them. This included representing their social group in various ways such as using a young male artist to be denoted on the cover of my magazine and including articles that represent them.


My media product may also attract female audiences (secondary audience) as they may be attracted to the male on the front cover. Similarly, youth may aspire to be like the male denoted on the front cover of my magazine, particularly as he is of an ethnic minority group. This demonstrates that he has created a brand for himself, making him an inspiring role model for younger audiences. In terms of my contents page, the female model may represent the Asian community that aren’t often associated with Hip-Hop/R&B music, allowing my media product to reach a wider range of people. Predominately, my music magazine targets listeners of R&B music, however a sub-genre of this is rap. This means my media product is targeting various types of media consumers, thus reaching and representing different social groups. In addition to this, the fact the male on the front cover is a young black R&B artist represents the majority of R&B listeners, as discovered from my additional research into my genre. Also, in order to attract more viewer-ship I have incorporated big names from the R&B, rap and Hip-Hop industry on the skyline of my magazine and throughout the cover lines. By adding these names in my magazine I am allowing my media product to reach multiple social groups.


The price I used for my music magazine could represent certain social groups, as for instance I’m targeting everyday young adults that are unlikely to spend more than £3.50 on a magazine. As my media product is priced at a reasonable £2.99, I am representing lower class social groups e.g. students, whilst ensuring my magazine isn’t too cheap. This is because lowering the price extensively may make the content inside seem less credible.

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